Any questions or enquiries hit me up and I will do my best to give you a helpful answer.
Contact info as stated above.
Frequently asked questions
How do I buy a block for my gang?
At OnlyHomes we work closely with all kinds of customers and groups, we will be happy to help as long as it is an available block and you cooperate with our rent prices. We do cut a deal for those filling full blocks as long as customers are patient and understanding.
Any doings on “Gang Blocks" or "Territory” has nothing to do with OnlyHomes once the property is occupied.
What happens when I lose my property?
This mean you were overdue for 2 weeks and we have evicted you. We will try reaching out before-hand but if we do not receive a response within a 24 hour response time frame we will evict (We may not reach out if we lost contact info).. IF YOU DROP YOUR PROPERTY BY ACCIDENT WE MAY NOT BE ABLE TO GET YOUR ITEMS BACK TO YOU UNLESS YOU REACH OUT TO US IN A TIMELY MANNER. ALL PROPERTIES SHOULD COME WITHOUT LEFT OVER BELONGINGS, IF YOU FIND ANYTHING THAT DOESN'T BELONG TO YOU, REACH OUT TO MYSELF OR PD
Do I get refunded when I move out of a property owned by OnlyHomes?
No, once you pay your initial rent fee, no refunds will be returned. This is void if I drop a block and evict tenants.
Can I be raided?
OnlyHomes has no reliability for our customers after the rent agreement is signed and the occupant is owner. It is up to the property occupant to deal with any legal action. This does mean that if the DOJ see fit depending on the crime committed, they have the right to permit PD raid your property and will not go through OnlyHomes or our representatives. The judges and state overlook.
Will I be notified each week to pay rent?
No, everything is done through your /comp and it is up to you to pay your rent on time.